PyTAG: Saving and Loading
Mon, Sep 5, 2011
2-minute read
This is another of my “Python Text Adventure Game” tutorials. I’ll show you a simple way to save data to a file and load it again.
First of all, you have to import the regular expression module re.
import re
Now set some variables:
name = raw_input("Your name: ")
weapon = raw_input("Your weapon: ")
level = raw_input("Your level: ")
Now you need a class with the save and load functions:
class Option:
#The function to save your current data
def save(self):
#Open the file or create it if it does not exist<br />
self.f = open('saves.txt', 'w+')
#Put everything you want to save in a single variable and use two spaces as a separator
#It would look like this: Username 5 Sword
self.savegame = name + " " + weapon + " " + str(level)
#Now write it into the file. this will overwrite any existing save
#Close the file
def load(self):
#Open the file
self.f = open('saves.txt', 'r')
#Create a list for the saves
self.saves = []
#Add each line to the list and count up
for line in self.f:
#We are assuming that there is only one savegame and that it is in the first line
#Now we use the imported re module to search the content of the file for a pattern and group it
#You can find more infos about it here:
self.match ='(w+s*w*)ss(w+s*w*)ss(d+)', self.saves[0])
#Now put the groups in the related variables
name =
weapon =
level =
#Close the file
Add this code to test everything:
loop = 1
while loop == 1:
print "What do you want to test?"
print "1) Save"
print "2) Load"
choice = int(raw_input())
if choice == 1:
# Create some variables
print "Saved"
elif choice == 2:
print "Name: " + name
print "Weapon: " + weapon
print "Level: " + str(level)